Lesson   ·  

Collaborative activity: Part 4

Building and maintaining a classroom honor code

Worksheet for students to reflect on the implementation of the honor code in the classroom.

Turnitin Teaching and Learning Innovations Team
Turnitin Teaching and Learning Innovations Team

This worksheet should be used after the creation of a class honor code to periodically check in to ensure that the honor code is working as intended. Educators should ask for and review these responses carefully in order to ensure that academic integrity is a working part of the classroom community. Educators are encouraged to make adjustments to the class honor code or the way it is communicated whenever needed.

Download this file to display and/or print the handouts in a .pdf format.
If opened in an Adobe product, a pdf-fillable version is available. Students can complete this worksheet digitally, save a copy, and then submit it via email or other messaging system.