Lesson   ·  

AI use/misuse activity

A presentation deck meant to facilitate discussion on what constitutes AI use/misuse.

This deck is intended for use with students to facilitate conversations with students regarding the use of AI writing tools. It is best used in conjunction with the AI use/misuse activity guide for more detailed suggestions on ways to implement the activity. The situations described on each slide allow for discussion on what might constitute AI use or misuse for a particular assignment or within the educator's classroom or institution. There is no definitive answer key to guide discussion as each situation presented might be either or both depending on educator guidelines or institution policy. Discussion is encouraged to determine what might need to occur in order to deem the described situation as good use of AI writing tools.

Download this file to use the presentation as is or to customize the information to suit your needs.

NOTE: Open in Google Slides for proper formatting and access to hyperlinked resources.